All online eCourses are operational and for improved access the courses are updated on the Linux platform

Agricultural Education Division of ICAR                                             New User Registration 

Education Division undertakes planning, development, coordination and quality assurance in higher agricultural education in the country and, thus, strives for maintaining and upgrading quality and relevance of higher agricultural education through partnership and efforts of the components of the ICAR-Agricultural Universities (AUs) System comprising State Agricultural Universities (SAUs), Deemed to be universities (DUs), Central Agricultural University (CAU) and Central Universities (CUs) with Agriculture Faculty.

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Under financial support of NAIP, all the e-Course Contents available on this website have been developed by subject matter specialist of the respective disciplines at State Agricultural Universities in India and Deemed Universities of ICAR, New Delhi. The courses material is prepared as per ICAR approved syllabus for the benefit of under-graduate students already enrolled in Indian Agricultural Universities.


                  To Access Online e-Courseware         



                  To Downloads Offline e-Courseware         



SNo Online e-Courses To Download Offline e-Courses
1 B.Sc.(Agriculture) B.Sc.(Agriculture)
2 B.V.Sc.(Veterinary & AH) B.V.Sc.(Venerinary & AH)
3 B.F.Sc.(Fisheries Science) B.F.Sc.(Fisheries Science)
4 B.Tech. (Dairy Technology) B.Tech. (Dairy Technology)
5 B.Sc.(Home Science) B.Sc.(Home Science)
6 B.Tech.(Agricultural Engineering) B.Tech.(Agricultural Engineering)
7 B. Sc. (Horticulture) B. Sc. (Horticulture)

Joint Venture on e-Learning                                                                           Additional Links for further Reading/ References

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